
Grandma’s Book Reviews

I enjoy reading non-fiction books about faith, crime, politics, and autobiographies.  For years, I read physical books in my hands and then I transitioned to reading ebooks using the Nook app on my iPad. Now I exclusively listen to audiobooks. It allows me the ability to listen while cleaning, sewing, or working on other projects around the house. Grandpa and I enjoy listening to books on road trips. 

This week I’m sharing books that I have recently read, are currently reading, and books on my reading list.

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Recently Read

The Change Agent: How a Former College QB Sentenced to Life in Prison Transformed His World

The Change Agent was hands down the best book I have read this year. A few months ago, I heard Damon’s story on a radio interview. I was intrigued so I quickly downloaded the audiobook. It was a riveting story of the trials and tribulations he experienced while overcoming addiction. I was captivated by his story and found myself so scared for Damon throughout this book.

The Coffee Bean: A Simple Lesson to Create Positive Change

By: Jon Gordan and Damon West

Damon co-wrote another book named The Coffee Bean. It’s an easy read with a short 112 pages. It’s an inspirational story using a coffee bean to provide lessons on transformation and overcoming challenges. There is a children’s version as well. 

It’s Never Too Late: Make the Next Act of Your Life the Best Act of Your Life

By: Kathie Lee Gifford

Her publisher described the book “Kathie shares stories from her remarkable life in a beautiful reminder that God is still dreaming big for our years ahead.” So far this book is okay. It is definitely a more serious tone in comparison to her first book “Just When I Thought I’d Dropped My Last Egg: Life and Other Calamities”. That book was comical and a worthy read. Jury is still out on this one.

Currently Reading

The Stories We Tell: A Memoir

By: Joanna Gaines

Amazon is currently rating this new book #1 Bestseller in Christian Self Help. Joanna describes her memoir  “This book is not an autobiography. I still have too much to learn and discover about myself, and I feel as though I am only halfway there. This book also is not a how-to, because I certainly don’t have all the answers. What I hope this book is for you is an invitation to come as you are. To join me, with a vulnerable and open heart, as we connect the chapters of our life stories, and figure out where we go next, learning to move forward from within.”

Side note: Joanna and her husband Chip Gaines wrote a book together back in 2016 called The Magnolia Story. It was a very good read. Check it out!

Reading Queue

Faith Still Moves Mountains: Miraculous Stories of the Healing Power of Prayer

By: Harris Faulkner

I cannot wait to read this book on true-life stories of faith and the power of prayer. 

Storyworth is a company that will help you, or a loved one, collect memorable personal stories that will then be bound in an actual hardback book. You or a loved one become an author! 

For Christmas 2019, I gifted Grandpa a subscription for $99. Storyworth emails weekly prompt questions for inspiration, such as “What was your earliest Christmas memory?” Alternatively, the individual may choose to write their own story. Once the weekly story is complete, Storyworth provides an option to share the response with family and friends via email. At the end of a year, you will have compiled 52 stories stored online and ready for binding into a book.  

For Grandpa, his recipients looked forward to reading his weekly stories and discovering memories they never knew. We paid an additional $60 to include color pictures throughout.  The book came out beautifully, and now we have a family keepsake heirloom.

Honorable Mention

Thank you to my daughter Victoria for editing this article.